How do you make your lines so smooth #_#
How do you make your lines so smooth #_#
Nice work there XD It's been a while since you've made one >:O MAKE MORE!!! O_O
Yeah...I didn't get it. It was just random rectangular prisms(*) just shouting shit. That's about it.
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This series gets really boring at points. It's either that they talk way too much, there's way too much text in one box, or both. I saw the previous episodes, I mean, episode 2 is pretty good cuz it had a cool fight scene, but I got bored of the rest of the series. As of having already enough to read, I dont feel like reading much more.
It's only monotonous if you're one of those random action freaks. (no offence).
I happen to enjoy deep storylines and most of the talking in the episode was relevent to the plot.
The action will heat up later when the characters start getting their super forms.
DUde your an asswipe
Sprite movies rock and they will always rock you have no right to diss them you dirty shitstain go fuckyourself in the dick
beautiful artwork
But I didnt see the point of the movie o.O It was interesting anyways..
what the hell
That was just....o_O And boring pretty much. Like an animated storybook. I also dont like your style that much either D:
Be more original with your work
This was a huge ripoff of the Brackenwood series, so try coming up with your original ideas. Animation and sounds were top notch.
I will occasionally appear on this site every other year and post an animation
Evil Satanic Lord
University of Prostitution
Joined on 12/24/04